Hello Random People! What a wonderful Monday morn...I can't even finish that sentence. The weekend never seems to last long enough. Either the Wifelette and I are travelling all over the place to see not-so-random people, or we have some event to attend that whisks time away from us like some sort of temporal anomaly. But hey, new design! Sadly, I don't even like coconuts, I think it has something to do with the texture. However, I can't help but feel a little twinge for this poor guy. Not only is he badly drawn, colored, and shaded (fishing for comments?), but he's got such bad teeth. Read more about the random phrase and the design after the jump.
The random phrase generator that I normally use wasn't doing me any favors last night. I sat down to draw at around 10:30pm and I must have gone through something like fifty different phrases without any inspiration whatsoever. Maybe it was because I was trying to break the tradition of putting Monday's design up at 11:00pm, who knows, but nothing was coming up. So when I happened across the words "fang" and "coconut" I had an image pop into my head. The third word, which I can't remember now, didn't really work with the image in my head, so I started drawing and immediately drew these sad eyes. Sadly Fanged Coconut was born!
Honestly, I'm kind of happy with the way the fibers turned out. I think that this is the first time I've actually put a layer of color above the outline layer, allowing the colors to break the black outline lines. I know the design is kind of simple, but I didn't have a lot to go with and sometimes I feel like the really simple designs have the highest impact. They get the words across faster. Maybe I'm wrong, though. Let me know!
-Rob Signed Off
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