
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rapidly Enlarge Pretzel

Hello Random People. It is Wednesday, that means its time to unveil the new design, which you can see above these very words! Thanks go to Jason for supplying the random phrase for today's illustration. He originally had said that we should use some of the phrases from his junk mail in order to make an illustration. I told him that if he replaced any references to male genitalia with "pretzel" and any references to female genitalia with "donut" (donut ask me why I chose these words...or made that pun), then I would consider it. He quickly came back with Rapidly Enlarge "Pretzel," the phrase for today's illustration, which I have already said, and will not say again.

When I finished the sketch for this I looked down at it and went "OMG! This is crap!" (I don't think I actually said OMG, I'm not the type of person who says OMG, alot of people say OMG better than I do.) Ahem...anyway, I thought it was going to end up fairly awful. But, it was late, and I didn't want to redraw it or draw something else, so I inked it, scanned it, and moved forward with coloration and shadification (new word!). Want to know how it turned out?
I think it turned out pretty well, actually, I'm really excited by the shading on the engorged part of the "pretzel." I wasn't sure I would even be able to draw an air compressor (that's the red thing). I have found that every time I think I won't be able to draw something I completely surprise myself by how identifiable the object is after I'm finished. That art degree is really coming in handy.

-Rob Signed Off

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