
Friday, June 1, 2012

Careless Beetle Statistician

I suppose this design is going to have to cover for Wednesday and Friday, as Thursday's vlog stated, I was just exhausted this week from the long weekend. I know that seems sort of backwards, but every time there is an extended weekend, I end up driving for anywhere from 2-4 hours one way depending on where we're going. That's what comes with moving away from your friends and family to live in Columbia, MD...where there are no diners, none whatsoever. I would settle for an Eat N Park. But I suppose that's too low brow for a planned city (is it a city?) like Columbia.

Wow, digression much? Design, right, this design is "Careless Beetle Statistician" and is based, loosely, on the fact that my border collie puppy (Maizy/Poo Face) has this crazy fascination with beetles. When they get into the house, she tracks them down and then spends the majority of the next hour following them around the house, trying to bite them, and when their weird little legs touch her she jumps back, shakes her head, looks at us with that happy puppy face, and starts the whole process all over again.

Obviously, if you have seen pictures of Poo Face, you know that the dog/wolf in the design looks nothing like her. Here's a picture of her in a shirt for comparison.

Okay so the image is a little dark, I took it with my old, dumb phone. Anyway, back to the design. I considered coloring this with colored pencils (of which we have a plethora residing, unused, in the Wifelette's sewing desk) but ultimately I like how I can correct any coloring mistakes in Photoshop with CTRL+Z. Despite  the weird texturing effect on the dog, I think the hardest part of this design was making the beetle's shell look as iridescent as I wanted, which i still don't think I achieved.  Actually, I think my favorite part of the whole design is the chalkboard with the bar graphs and the paper stand with the line graph.

Speaking of which, the Facebook Page is only one
away from being able to view the Facebook Page Insights! So, if you haven't already, take a second to head over there, click the like button, and give me a great start to the weekend. Thanks! -Rob Signed Off

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