
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Well Fed Skater

Hello Random People. That sounds dumb doesn't it? Maybe I won't use that salutation again. Hey look, a new Three Random Words design! Personally, this one keeps cracking me up. I know its not exactly a masterpiece illustration, but I definitely think these designs are getting better (especially when the Wifelette lends a hand).

I realize that "Well Fed Skater" is a bit more literal and a lot less random than some of the other designs, but when the Wifelette and I were clicking through the random word generator this image popped into my head after we had already passed by the phrase you see above. I explained the image, which you see above, and then I explained why I simply could not do it.

You see, when it comes to illustrating people, I've kind of been a bit wary. I didn't do very well in my Drawing II class with Professor Dolbin where drawing the human figure was concerned. To this day I still have to hold up my own hand to figure out where fingers and thumbs go (drawing the suns hand with the sword for "Furiously Annihilate Nighttime" was a nightmare for me) and I still can't get it right about 75% of the time. Sure, I've drawn some anthropomorphic (VOCAB WORD) animals, like the Nervously Changing Turtle (which makes a cameo in today's vlog as an awkward turtle), but I just get the proportions for human bodies and limbs all wrong.

So, while I clicked through some more phrases, the Wifelette took to drawing on this little pad we keep next to the keyboard and what she showed me was exactly what I had imagined. So I took that tiny drawing and redrew (is that a word?) it on a larger piece of paper (2 to be exact), inked it, scanned it, colored it, shaded it, and posted it on Facebook at 9:30pm last night. Would have been sooner but Photoshop on the laptop kept crashing. I need to upgrade from CS3 to CS5.5 and while I'm wishing for that, a nice Cintiq tablet would be great as well.

To my credit, I actually changed the hair a little bit and redrew (still don't think this is a word) the "waving" hand. Anyway, I'll be putting this up on today. You can check out the Three Random Words Facebook Page for the link to that. Go there and hit the "Love" button. Also, if you haven't liked the Facebook Page, do that. One more thing, follow the blog, I want to see more pictures in the sidebar than what is currently there.

-Rob Signed Off

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