
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Lurgy

I am officially declaring this week a bust for Three Random Words designs. Because of the malady that has plagued me all week, I've been in a state best described as zombified and worst described as "the lurgy" (for an explanation, watch the linked video at around minute 3).

I did put together most of the design for Nervously Changing Turtle only to have Photoshop decide that now was a good time to lecture me on the importance of saving by crashing to desktop and erasing two hours of work. Lesson learned, Photoshop, lesson learned.

So, with any luck, I"ll be back in complete health by the weekend, and you lot will have a new design come Monday. Also, don't forget to vote for Wednesday's design. Experimentally Troubled Void is still out in front, but there are 4 or 5 days between now and when I sit down to do the design, so if you'd rather see Momentarily Layered Doe or Needlessly Split Salt, get over to the Three Random Words page and vote.

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